February 10, 2025

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Daihatsu Sales Until August Reach 117,358 Units, Contributing National Market Shares To 20.1 Percent

Daihatsu Sales Until August Reach 117,358 Units, Contributing National Market Shares To 20.1 Percent

JAKARTA – Daihatsu made a positive sales achievement until August 2024, based on data shared by this manufacturer, it recorded retail sales of 117,358 units.

Referring to data from the Association of Indonesian Automotive Industries (GAIKINDO), overall eight-month car sales in 2024 reached 560,619 units. Thus, Daihatsu contributed to the national automotive market share of 20.1 percent.

“We thank you for the trust of customers. Until August, Daihatsu retail sales recorded a positive achievement,” said Marketing & Customer Relations Division Head of PT Astra International Tbk Daihatsu Sales Operation Tri Mulyono, quoted from his official website, Saturday, September 14.

If in more detail, Daihatsu’s sales were dominated by three main models, including Daihatsu Sigra with 38,837 units or 33 percent contributed, followed by Gran Max Pick Up 28,222 units or 24 percent and there was Terios with 14,221 units or 12 percent.

In addition, from the sale of the Daihatsu model in each segment, there are three models that are the main choices of automotive lovers in the country, starting from Daihatsu Sigra with a contribution of 60 percent in the LCGC MPV market segment.

Followed by Gran Max Pick Up about 56 percent of the Pick Up Low and Gran Max Mini Bus segments by 92 percent of the Low Semi Commercial market segment with a total sales of 9,488 units.

Meanwhile, the issue of monthly sales in August also increased by 2.1 percent compared to July, and higher than the national automotive market increase of 1.6 percent.

“Hopefully this achievement can continue to motivate us to provide the best offers and services to consumers, and the automotive market can continue to grow towards the end of the year,” he added.

This achievement is claimed not without reason, but rather support for various conveniences, ranging from easy credit purchases from leasing companies as needed, various full-sale services for ease of treatment, to trading in facilities.

In order to boost sales, Daihatsu also presented Daifest, which is a sales promotion program that will last until the end of next year, and offers various attractive lotterys for Daihatsu car buyers.

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